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Membership of Lawyers for Animals and participation in our volunteer program is open to all who care about the welfare of animals – not just lawyers. However, to preserve the legal nature of the organisation, only Australian lawyers – those who have been admitted to the legal profession under the law of an Australian jurisdiction – can be elected to our Management Committee.

Annual membership is $10 student concession and $30 for all others. To join, please:

1. Read the LFA Rules of Association [PDF: 205KB]
2. Download the LFA – Membership Application Form 2021  [PDF: 355KB]
3. Complete the Membership Application Form and either scan and email it to OR post it to Lawyers for Animals, Ross House 247 – 251 Flinders Lane MELBOURNE VIC 3000.
4. Pay your membership, by EITHER:
(a) transferring the relevant amount to our bank account using the details provided on our LFA Membership Application Form; OR
(b) making a recurrent annual payment using your credit card by selecting the level of membership required from the drop-down menu below and clicking on the “Subscribe” button. This will take you to a PayPal site through which you can make a secure online payment. Please note that you can cancel this recurrent payment at any time by logging into PayPal; selecting the settings menu (the cog symbol at the top of the page to the left of ‘LOG OUT’); selecting ‘Payments’ then ‘Manage pre-approved payments’; clicking on Lawyers for Animals’ name in list and selecting ‘Cancel’ beneath the subscription details.

All memberships fall due for renewal one year from the date of the previous payment. If you choose to pay recurrently, your membership will automatically renew each year (unless and until you choose to stop, or our membership fees change). If you choose to pay non-recurrently, when your membership falls due you can renew it by paying the appropriate annual fee by bank transfer or cheque, or you can begin paying it recurrently by clicking on the “Subscribe” button, below. We will attempt to remind you if your non-recurrent membership falls due. In either case, there is no need to submit another Membership Application Form to renew your membership, but if your contact details change at any time, please update your details by emailing


Become a Member




Donate – Once Off or Monthly

If you would like to make a once-off or monthly online donation to LFA with your credit card, please click on the button below – you will be able to choose the amount you donate and whether to donate just once or monthly.



Donate $20 monthly

If you would like to support LFA regularly, please click on the button below to donate $20 per month to LFA on an ongoing basis.

Support LFA



Lawyers for Animals welcomes expressions of interest from potential volunteers. Volunteers may undertake general project work or assist at the Animal Law Clinic.

Project work

Volunteer law students or lawyers may undertake research and drafting work to assist us with our current projects. If you would like to help with project work, please send your expression of interest to with some brief details about yourself, and indicate that you are interested in project work. If you have particular areas of interest, please mention them. All expressions of interest are entered into a database of prospective volunteers, who are contacted as and when assistance is required. Please note that volunteers must be current members of Lawyers for Animals.

Animal Law Clinic

The Animal Law Clinic runs on Wednesday evenings at Fitzroy Legal Service from 6:30pm. Lawyers with unrestricted practising certificates volunteer as Advisors at the Clinic. Law students and law graduates without unrestricted practising certificates volunteer as Administrative Assistants, and assist with taking file notes, research and other administrative tasks. Volunteers are typically required to commit to attending the Clinic one Wednesday per month.

At present, the Animal Law Clinic is especially keen to recruit more volunteers with unrestricted practising certificates. If you are interested in volunteering at the Clinic, please send your expression of interest to with some brief details about yourself, indicating whether or not you are a practising lawyer. If you have particular areas of interest or expertise, please mention them. All expressions of interest are entered into a database of prospective Clinic volunteers.  New volunteers will be contacted as and when needed depending on the Clinic roster. Please note that all volunteers at the Clinic must be members of both Lawyers for Animals and Fitzroy Legal Service.

Please see our Clinic page for how the clinic will operate in 2021 in a covid safe way: –

Message of support to LFA from Justice Michael Kirby [PDF: 62KB]



Lawyers for Animals would like to acknowledge and thank our generous sponsors:



If you have other ways to help Lawyers for Animals to make life better for animals, please contact us.


Of the many animals exposed to the horrors of factory farming, pigs have perhaps suffered the most.

Despite having personalities and intellects similar to dogs, sows are kept almost continually pregnant, and confined to stalls where they are unable to turn around or express their natural behaviours.

The chronic stress means they spend much of their time engaged in purposeless behaviour, such as head waving or bar biting.

Prior to giving birth, sows are moved to farrowing crates; barren, concrete enclosures where mother pigs spend weeks at a time on their bellies as they wean their young. They have no chance to form any lasting bond with their offspring.


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