Recent Submissions by Lawyers For Animals

Read our latest submissions regarding:

  1. The Kosciuszko National Park Wild Horse Management Plan Review;
  2. The Productivity Commission inquiry into the Regulation of Agriculture;
  3. The RSPCA Independent Review; and
  4. The Control of Invasive Animals on Crown Land.

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Mulesing is performed annually on over 20 million Australian Merino lambs. It involves taking a crescent-shaped slice of skin (5-7 cm) from either buttock (the ‘breach’) of a sheep, without anaesthetic, and results in abnormal behaviour for up to three days.

Despite industry’s promise to phase-out mulesing by 2010, many retailers throughout Europe have boycotted Australian wool due to overwhelming consumer concern.

More humane alternatives to surgical mulesing, such as intradermal injections prompting fleece to fall away from the breach (permanently) through a process of necrosis, are currently not receiving the support they require from Australia’s wool industry.


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