

Animal law groups

Animals Australia
Barristers Animal Welfare Panel
Law Society of NSW Animal Law Committee
Brisbane Lawyers Educating and Advocating for Tougher Sentences (BLEATS)
Activist Rights Online Resource

Animal rights/welfare organisations

Animals Australia
Animal Liberation (Victoria)
Choose Cruelty Free
Humane Society International (Australia)
World Wildlife Fund Australia
Medical Advances without Animals (MAWA)
Replace Animals in Australian Testing
World League for Protection of Animals (Australia)
Vets Beyond Borders



Resources and Information

Animal Law Resource Center
Animal Legal & Historical Web Center (USA)
The Animal Concerns Community
International Institute for Animal Law
Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy
Animal Law Review
Center for Animal Law Studies (USA)

Animal law groups

Animal Rights Legal Advocacy Network (NZ)
Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) (USA)
Harvard University SALDF (student chapter of the Animal Legal Defense Fund)
Animal Rights Law (Rutgers University) (USA)
Meyer & Glitzenstein law firm (USA)
The Great Ape Project (International)

Animal rights/welfare organisations

World Animal Protection
World Animal Net (International)
International Fund for Animal Welfare
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (USA)
Friends of Animals ((International)
Compassion in World Farming (International)
Farm Animal Rights Movement (USA)
Doctors and Lawyers for Responsible Medicine (International)
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) (USA)

If you know of an organisation we should be linking to, please contact us.

Live Export

During the last three decades Australia has exported over 150 million live sheep and cattle for slaughter in the Middle East and South East Asia. Livestock ships can carry 100,000 animals on voyages lasting up to three weeks.

Some two million animals have died in transit, while the remaining ‘survivors’ are subject to barbaric methods of killing and/or further transport, upon arrival.

Due to its international element, the Federal Government is responsible for this area of animal welfare. Pressure on the Government to stop live export is gaining momentum, with recent surveys showing that Australian’s overwhelmingly oppose it.


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