Into the Wild

On Thursday 19 May 2011 Lawyers for Animals will hold its annual law week event. Please see the attached flyer for details of Into the Wild, a forum to consider the legal plight of Australia’s wildlife, focusing on three species of particular concern: kangaroos, dingoes and possums.

Into the Wild Invitation

Animal Testing

Cruel and painful testing on animals is widespread in medicine, agriculture, pharmaceutics and education. However, the scientific merit and human benefit of many of these tests is contested by numerous scientists.

Amendments to the Code of Practice have seen ‘benchmarks’ implemented calling for the three R’s: reduction (less animals used), replacement (non-animal alternatives) and refinement (ensuring suffering is minimised).

Unfortunately, there is still a long way to go before there is an onus on people to utilise non-animal means of testing – such as the use of proteins from human cells.


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