Animal Law Clinic launch photos – 9 May 2013

(photos courtesy of Lea Croyden, Fitzroy Legal Service)

The Hon. Justice Marcia Neave and Adjunct Professor Rob Hulls

The Hon. Justice Marcia Neave, Carolyn Burnside and guests

MC and LFA Exec member Moira Rayner

LFA Exec member Moira Rayner and Vice-President of LFA Astrid Haban-Beer


The use of commercial trawling nets is an extremely cruel means of fishing and an environmental disaster due to the impact on the ocean floor.

Though rarely acknowledged, fish suffer. Their writhing bodies and flapping gills are a desperate plea for the oxygen they breathe from water (rather than air).

Governments now understand the massive damage done to marine ecology, but there must be equal consideration for fish suffering.


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