Animal Law Clinic Update

The Animal Law Clinic will remain suspended in light of the return to stage 3 lock down in metropolitan Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire from midnight on 8/7/2020. We, along with our partners at the Fitzroy Legal Service, had made tentative steps to resuming the clinic with appropriate physical distancing and hygiene measures but events have overtaken us. Victoria Legal Aid remains operational for urgent assistance.

Please be assured LFA are keen to resume the clinic and get back to helping our clients with their animal law questions as soon as it is safe to do so.  Once there is a restart date, we will let you know.

In the meantime please follow the restrictions, be kind and take care of one another and any non-human animals that share your lives.


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Live Export

During the last three decades Australia has exported over 150 million live sheep and cattle for slaughter in the Middle East and South East Asia. Livestock ships can carry 100,000 animals on voyages lasting up to three weeks.

Some two million animals have died in transit, while the remaining ‘survivors’ are subject to barbaric methods of killing and/or further transport, upon arrival.

Due to its international element, the Federal Government is responsible for this area of animal welfare. Pressure on the Government to stop live export is gaining momentum, with recent surveys showing that Australian’s overwhelmingly oppose it.


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