Animal Law Clinic Announcement

Due to the COVID-19 emergency that is currently engulfing the world, regrettably, the Animal Law Clinic run by LFA joins the list of service and event closures. The Clinic will close from 19 March 2020. This is a temporary closure but at this stage, we cannot say when the Clinic will recommence. LFA is mindful of the health advice given by health organisations and medical authorities and it has been determined that in the interests of our clients and volunteers that the Clinic be suspended. LFA will work with our Clinic partner, the Fitzroy Legal Service about when the Clinic can resume.

If anyone requires urgent, free animal law legal advice, LFA recommends contacting Victoria Legal Aid. VLA gives free information and help about the law on 1300 792 387 telephone line or you can get help using VLAs online Legal Help Chat. The VLA website can be found at

While LFA cannot give legal advice via email or our Facebook page, you can still use those contacts and we will do our best to provide an appropriate referral.

Finally, LFA extends our best wishes to all our supporters, those who have used our Clinic and all our fellow citizens as we all navigate this unprecedented time.  Please follow the health guidelines and directions on hygiene measures and social distancing.  It is important that we act in solidarity and kindness to keep each other safe and healthy.

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Animal Testing

Cruel and painful testing on animals is widespread in medicine, agriculture, pharmaceutics and education. However, the scientific merit and human benefit of many of these tests is contested by numerous scientists.

Amendments to the Code of Practice have seen ‘benchmarks’ implemented calling for the three R’s: reduction (less animals used), replacement (non-animal alternatives) and refinement (ensuring suffering is minimised).

Unfortunately, there is still a long way to go before there is an onus on people to utilise non-animal means of testing – such as the use of proteins from human cells.


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