Animal Law Breakfast 2014

Lawyers for Animals and Victorian Women Lawyers invite you to enjoy a vegan breakfast and hear Julian Burnside AO QC and Felicity Millner discuss the Supreme Court case MyEnvironment v VicForests [2013] VSCA 356.

Julian and Felicity acted for MyEnvironment, a Central Highlands based environment group. MyEnvironment sought to prevent VicForests logging in part of the forest of the Central Highlands. MyEnvironment was concerned that this logging would destroy the habitat of the possum.

Date: Friday 22 Aug 2014
Time: 7am- 9am
Location: Maddocks, 140 William Street, Melbourne
Cost: $10 VWL/ Lawyers for Animals members and $15 for non-members

Register here:   Please register by 20 August 2014.


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The use of commercial trawling nets is an extremely cruel means of fishing and an environmental disaster due to the impact on the ocean floor.

Though rarely acknowledged, fish suffer. Their writhing bodies and flapping gills are a desperate plea for the oxygen they breathe from water (rather than air).

Governments now understand the massive damage done to marine ecology, but there must be equal consideration for fish suffering.


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