Animal Law Clinic launch photos – 9 May 2013

(photos courtesy of Lea Croyden, Fitzroy Legal Service)

The Hon. Justice Marcia Neave and Adjunct Professor Rob Hulls

The Hon. Justice Marcia Neave, Carolyn Burnside and guests

MC and LFA Exec member Moira Rayner

LFA Exec member Moira Rayner and Vice-President of LFA Astrid Haban-Beer

Kangaroo Culling

Around 30 million Australian kangaroos have been killed over the last decade, and at least three million young left orphaned.

Joeys remain dependent on their mothers for survival for between 18 months and about 3 years. If orphaned joeys are not killed, they die of starvation, exposure, dehydration or predation.

Under the applicable Code of Practice, small, furred pouch young (that are easily held with little struggle) must be euthanased by a forceful blow which destroys the functional capacity of the brain. According to the new Draft Code of Practice, this “may be achieved by forcefully swinging the head of the young against a solid metal object (e.g. tow bar of a vehicle).”


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