Be a Voice for Animals

Victoria has had a cabinet reshuffle. LFA encourage all our supporters to contact the new ministers and let them know your concerns animals and how humans interact with them. LFA strongly encourages our supporters to express concerns about duck killing.

The newest ministers are:
Shaun Leane –
Nat Hutchins –
Danny Pearson –

Attached below is a link to a draft letter that particularly focuses on duck shooting and was prepared by our colleagues at RVOTDS which you can personalise.

Letter to the New Ministers


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Battery Hens

Australia is home to over ten million egg-laying hens, 90% of whom are held in battery cages.

Battery hens live in a space smaller than a sheet of A4 paper, restricting any freedom to express natural behaviours.

Numerous European countries – including Germany, Austria and Sweden – have banned battery cages, and the EU has a total ban set for 2012.

Unfortunately, Australian politicians have not followed this global shift.


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